Friday, April 5, 2013

Clarify the Complexity

Have you heard about BYOD? This is my first time to know it—Bring Your Own Device. Now, I have a clear map in my mind after reading its excellent information graphics.

BYOD originated from a current phenomenon that people take their personal iPads and smart phones into work. The info-graphics showcase the loves and hates that this technology trend inspired.

Based on the controversial issues showing in the Internet, the company examined a year’s worth of data, including more than 100,000 mentions of BYOD in blogs, news articles, social networks like FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter, reviews, comments and more.

 The info-graphics employs some interesting elements to analyze some arguments. Whether the BYOD increase teacher's anxiety is one of examples. A humorous illustrationa crazy fashionable girl pulling her hair seems to confuse the computer technology behind her. The subhead is: Teachers Never Breakdown. The description reveals that 29% people fear that the devices will overwhelm teachers.... The conclusion is: Not everyone agrees. Read on. 

Although it doesn’t like a process book, the colorful elements and humorous graphics still are useful for our project 5. 


  1. That's funny -- my company is going through that now. They're upgrading our corporate intranet and making the site responsive, and folks will be able to access the site with their phones (submit time sheets, etc.). And BYOD is the policy they're using, since it's too hard to get a particular type of phone in everyone's hands.

  2. Sounds interesting. Looks like things are headed this way for sure, I wonder how much is to cut costs though.
